Saturday, December 1, 2012

To Romney: Why You Lost

Here's a clue for you Romney, be yourself, have some values and lines that you will not cross and want to be President to serve all the People not just some of them. I don't expect you to ever understand my statement because from day 1 being President was nothing more than a feather in your cap or something else that you thought you could acquire with your riches. Indeed the 2012 Presidential election was nothing but the most vulgar display of money to buy our government the world has seen. You wanted it so much that there was no line that you would not cross to acheive your prize and sit on the sidelines and watched as Republican Govenors passed laws to stifle democracy in our country and cheat for you to win. You never said it was wrong and that you wanted to win fairly, because you didn't. You wanted to win anyway you could. You lost because you deserved to lose and you were dishonest and morphed into anything that you could to please. You will be written into the history books as the empty suit candidate that you were. You stood for nothing.

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