Monday, November 1, 2010



When you vote tomorrow, be careful what you vote for. If you're planning to cast your vote for a republican tomorrow Nov.2 2010 be sure you know the facts and what you're really voting for.

Fact #1 What Keeping the Bush Tax Cuts really mean

According to Forbes Magazine corporations pay less in corporate taxes than most individuals do. That’s right the average ordinary citizen pays more in taxes than most corporations despite record profits. In fact just last year GE, Citibank and Bank of America paid $0 in taxes. So when republicans tell you that we need to keep the Bush Tax Cuts in place to create jobs it’s a lie and it does nothing to help our economy. In fact it will only allow corporations to continue making record profits, provide the same measly jobs and force average Americans to cover their tax burdens. It is the American people that are suffering right now, why are republicans more concerned about corporations, banks and Wall St?
Forbes Magazine What The Top US Companies pay in Taxes.
Another Interesting Link about taxes

Republicans and their hypocrisy when it comes to the Stimulus

Fact #2 Repeal Health Care Reform

Because of Health Care Reform, millions of parents are able to keep students in college on their insurance up to the age of 26. In light of inflated college costs many parents and college students will not have to bear the expensive burden of high medical bills. No more pre-existing conditions. That’s right if you are seriously ill and want to purchase health insurance no medical insurance company can deny you a premium or deny you coverage. That’s good news for lots of Americans. Do you really want to do away with health care reform?

Fact #3 Privatize Social Security

Recently former President Bush said that his only regret was not privatizing Social Security. Many republicans running for office this election cycle have said the same thing. Can you imagine what would have happened if Bush got his wish and Social Security was privatized during his watch? Where would Social Security be right now, if he were allowed to put it into the same stock market that crashed during his watch? Many pension funds are still recovering and a lot of average Americans got hit hard. It makes no common sense to be willing to give Wall. St.and Banks more of our money to gamble with. Do you really want to risk your hard earned Social Security Contributions in the volatile stock market? The stock market will recover, but will you?
If you vote for Republicans these are some of the things that you will be voting for among many other things that don’t reflect your values. Be careful what you vote for.