Friday, November 18, 2011

'Colored Only,' Racist Signs Found On SUNY New Paltz Campus (PHOTOS)

I just had a flashback. I'm not sure what year this is. Is the year 2011?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

HR 822 Concealed Carry Gun Bill Passes House Vote

If we don't take away the incentive(­corp money) our gov will never work for us. GET MONEY OUT!
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Herman Cain: 'I'm Not Supposed To Know Anything About Foreign Policy'

Cain is right, because his intention is to be a republican clown. Not the POTUS!
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John Boehner Bawls Through Congressional Award Ceremony

ROFL Crying drunk!
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Scott Walker Recall Effort May Be Sabotaged By People Shredding Petitions

Thanks huffpo, I posted a link to Politiscoo­p a few days ago about this and to the huffpo. Glad to see the story on here. Politiscoo­p had actual screenshot­s from the facebook pages of the alleged sabotagers­. They claimed to be members of the Tea Party. Shame, some republican­s feel the need to resort to cheating instead of just letting our system of democracy determine if Walker will be recalled.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Jonathan Gruber, M.I.T. Economist, Hits Mitt Romney Over Obama Health Care Law

LOL tell the truth about shapeshift­ing Romney!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

World Toilet Day: Matt Damon Talks Sh*t For Global Sanitation Awareness (VIDEO)

LOL Yeah Matt Baby Yeah, I Love It when you talk sh*t!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Zuccotti Park Eviction Ruling: Protesters No Longer Allowed To Camp In Park [UPDATES]

The abhorent actions against taxpayers by the taxpayer provided government­, just makes us more determined to fight the inequality­, injustice and continued abuse of taxpayers by our government­. It's not over, we are just getting started. We Are The 99%. Government abuse will not deter us, we are fighting because of government abuse and misappropr­iation of our tax dollars.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Zuccotti Park Eviction Ruling: Protesters No Longer Allowed To Camp In Park [UPDATES]

Welcome to the United States of China!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Making Wall St. Pay Protest

A group of residents from Columbia, TN and Hohenwald, TN gathered Sat. Nov. 5,2011 for a Making Wall St. Pay Protest. The protesters stood off the property of a Bank Of America, held signs passed out flyers and waved to customers and oncoming traffic. Folks passing by honked their horns, gave thumbs up, and requested fliers enthusiastically. The protest was peaceful and uneventful until a customer finishing up business with the bank and still in the parking lot requested a flyer from a protester. The protester handed the customer a flyer, said a few words and walked back to where the other protesters were gathered. Minutes later an officer from the Columbia, Police Dept. arrived and nicely advised me and other protesters that we were not allowed on the property of Bank of America. He then requested to speak with the organizer of the event Cheryl B. and I pointed her out to him. According to Cheryl B. the officer told her the same thing but also stated that Bank of America did not want protesters on their property. The protesters resumed protesting after the officer left.The group was small and organizer Cheryl B. was fine with that expecting the numbers to grow with each event. She and the group of protesters were excited and invigorated by the positive feedback received. The next event planned: We Are The 99% Event. Sat. Nov 19, 2011 10:30AM 1404 S. James Campbell Blvd. And Hatcher Lane In Front of Bank of America Columbia, TN 38401. Here is a link to sign up for the event.
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