I grew up to to realize how precious the earth is to human beings, how important love for your fellowman is, and that mistreatment of a human being was a sin. That is what I learned from my Mother and Father. So much so that I was often taken advantage of in my early years of childhood by children, that only wanted the candy I could buy them out the candy machine. I learned, quickly that there were people in the world, that would take advantage of a generous nature if they could. It never, never, changed the bleeding heart I have. I love the world, and I love everyone. I thank my late Parents and praise them for instilling that in my heart. I hate not one individual
Why can't I live in a bubble? Because I have a passion in my heart, I feel that I have the ability to lift someone up, I would never put them down. I can't help it, that's why I feel it's my duty to point out what I feel is wrong. I can't change that, and I wish I was in a better position to help people more. I cry at the drop of the hat, yeah my Mom tried to change it, but it is just who I am. I will never be satisfied with my life being fine, I want everyone else's to be too.
My hubby loves me, but he thinks I am too much of a bleeding heart. So it shall be! I can't live in a bubble and care or be concerned about the ones that I know and not be concerned about the ones I don't.