Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year's Eve 2010: Celebrations Around The World (PHOTOS)
Happy New Year! May this one be more prosperous and full of good tidings for my fellow man!
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
Andy Martin, 'King Of The Birthers,' Announces Presidential Run
Birther votes are not enough to win the presidency
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Christine O'Donnell: 'Thug' Tactics Responsible For Campaign Finance Accusations
LOL gonna be hard to explain this away, with no job in years. She's toast!
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Demand A Copy Of His Birth Certificate? (VIDEO)
His attitude is not odd in the least and you are borderline birther. If there were any doubt about his citizenshi
About Chris Matthews
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Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Demand A Copy Of His Birth Certificate? (VIDEO)
Alas, another reason why I say Chris should retire and he certainly should not be on MSNBC twice a day.
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Greta Van Susteren Questions Juan Williams' Palin Intellect Claim
I wish Palin and Greta would "Get A Room Already" and get it over with!
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Wall Street Execs Whine To Politico About Their Hurt Feelings
The last two years have been the best ever for combined investment
I wish Obama, would hurt Main Streets feelings the same way.
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Number Of Uninsured Americans Soars To Over 50 Million
The hidden reality about health care insurance in America. It's still unaffordab
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Monday, December 27, 2010
Leon Walker Faces Jail Time For Reading Wife's Email
What a bunch of B.S. Evidently that DA cares more about an adults E-mail rights than the welfare of children. What a waste of taxpayer dollars!
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Sarah Palin Attempts To Explain 'Refudiate' Gaffe
LOL what a liar. Just admit that you really thought it was a word or tell a better lie and say you can't see very well with those government provided eyeglasses
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Rescued Banks Teeter Towards Collapse
Now we will get to see that new financial reform bill in action! Let's just see how wonderful it was!
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Obama Birth Certificate Requests Increase In Hawaii
Meanwhile a conservati
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Obama Birth Certificate Requests Increase In Hawaii
Birthers pick up on any intangible
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Thursday, December 23, 2010
Lisa Murkowski Goes Rogue
I expected as much after how she was treated by republican
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Newt Gingrich Blames Nation's Problems On Unemployed People
How dare this man and the rest of them out there consider unemployme
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Newt Gingrich Blames Nation's Problems On Unemployed People
About Newt Gingrich
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Newt Gingrich Blames Nation's Problems On Unemployed People
Gingrich " I'm opposed to giving people money for doing nothing"
Taxpayers give people like you money everday for nothing sir! How's that government medical and pension working out for ya?
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Michael Steele Asked To Apologize For Calling RNC Member 'An Idiot'
LOL! Now he wants to be black again! Too late and we dont' want you back!
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Tea Party-Backed Congressman-Elect Tim Scott Concerned About John Boehner's First 'Adult' Moment
Little hard to be fiscally conservati
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tom Coburn To Block 9/11 Responders Bill
How were the tax cuts for the rich paid for? What is going on in our government is ludicrous. Dems still have the majority in both houses, why the h3ll can't they get anything passed? Ignore the elephant that has been in the room for over 2 yrs.
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Obama vs. The 'Tear Down Congress'
Second vote, yes. I really got into him, though and I had a political fire in my belly. It's gone now. It's not there anymore.
About Barack Obama
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Obama vs. The 'Tear Down Congress'
I was with you on all that in the beginning, but I truly as a staunch supporter of his, to be happy and feel good about legislatio
About Barack Obama
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Obama vs. The 'Tear Down Congress'
Won't make a difference to me. The People don't run anything anyway. The Corps, Wall St. and the Rich do!
About Barack Obama
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Sarah Palin Book Signing Draws Disappointing Attendance, Woman Wearing 'Worst Governor Ever' Shirt
LOL guess they finally figured out she's a d .u .m .b @$$ and they were hoodwinked
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Tea Party Nation's Judson Phillips Wants To See Methodist Church Disbanded
They all are discrimina
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Obama FCC Caves on Net Neutrality -- Tuesday Betrayal Assured
The stuff going on right now is just disgusting and it gets worse everyday. I can't believe this chit is happening!
About Most Popular
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Monday, November 1, 2010
When you vote tomorrow, be careful what you vote for. If you're planning to cast your vote for a republican tomorrow Nov.2 2010 be sure you know the facts and what you're really voting for.
Fact #1 What Keeping the Bush Tax Cuts really mean
According to Forbes Magazine corporations pay less in corporate taxes than most individuals do. That’s right the average ordinary citizen pays more in taxes than most corporations despite record profits. In fact just last year GE, Citibank and Bank of America paid $0 in taxes. So when republicans tell you that we need to keep the Bush Tax Cuts in place to create jobs it’s a lie and it does nothing to help our economy. In fact it will only allow corporations to continue making record profits, provide the same measly jobs and force average Americans to cover their tax burdens. It is the American people that are suffering right now, why are republicans more concerned about corporations, banks and Wall St?
Forbes Magazine What The Top US Companies pay in Taxes.
Another Interesting Link about taxes
Republicans and their hypocrisy when it comes to the Stimulus
Fact #2 Repeal Health Care Reform
Because of Health Care Reform, millions of parents are able to keep students in college on their insurance up to the age of 26. In light of inflated college costs many parents and college students will not have to bear the expensive burden of high medical bills. No more pre-existing conditions. That’s right if you are seriously ill and want to purchase health insurance no medical insurance company can deny you a premium or deny you coverage. That’s good news for lots of Americans. Do you really want to do away with health care reform?
Fact #3 Privatize Social Security
Recently former President Bush said that his only regret was not privatizing Social Security. Many republicans running for office this election cycle have said the same thing. Can you imagine what would have happened if Bush got his wish and Social Security was privatized during his watch? Where would Social Security be right now, if he were allowed to put it into the same stock market that crashed during his watch? Many pension funds are still recovering and a lot of average Americans got hit hard. It makes no common sense to be willing to give Wall. St.and Banks more of our money to gamble with. Do you really want to risk your hard earned Social Security Contributions in the volatile stock market? The stock market will recover, but will you?
If you vote for Republicans these are some of the things that you will be voting for among many other things that don’t reflect your values. Be careful what you vote for.
When you vote tomorrow, be careful what you vote for. If you're planning to cast your vote for a republican tomorrow Nov.2 2010 be sure you know the facts and what you're really voting for.
Fact #1 What Keeping the Bush Tax Cuts really mean
According to Forbes Magazine corporations pay less in corporate taxes than most individuals do. That’s right the average ordinary citizen pays more in taxes than most corporations despite record profits. In fact just last year GE, Citibank and Bank of America paid $0 in taxes. So when republicans tell you that we need to keep the Bush Tax Cuts in place to create jobs it’s a lie and it does nothing to help our economy. In fact it will only allow corporations to continue making record profits, provide the same measly jobs and force average Americans to cover their tax burdens. It is the American people that are suffering right now, why are republicans more concerned about corporations, banks and Wall St?
Forbes Magazine What The Top US Companies pay in Taxes.
Another Interesting Link about taxes
Republicans and their hypocrisy when it comes to the Stimulus
Fact #2 Repeal Health Care Reform
Because of Health Care Reform, millions of parents are able to keep students in college on their insurance up to the age of 26. In light of inflated college costs many parents and college students will not have to bear the expensive burden of high medical bills. No more pre-existing conditions. That’s right if you are seriously ill and want to purchase health insurance no medical insurance company can deny you a premium or deny you coverage. That’s good news for lots of Americans. Do you really want to do away with health care reform?
Fact #3 Privatize Social Security
Recently former President Bush said that his only regret was not privatizing Social Security. Many republicans running for office this election cycle have said the same thing. Can you imagine what would have happened if Bush got his wish and Social Security was privatized during his watch? Where would Social Security be right now, if he were allowed to put it into the same stock market that crashed during his watch? Many pension funds are still recovering and a lot of average Americans got hit hard. It makes no common sense to be willing to give Wall. St.and Banks more of our money to gamble with. Do you really want to risk your hard earned Social Security Contributions in the volatile stock market? The stock market will recover, but will you?
If you vote for Republicans these are some of the things that you will be voting for among many other things that don’t reflect your values. Be careful what you vote for.
republican vote,
your vote
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Where Are The Republicans?
Since Rev. Terry Jones the pastor of a church in Gainesville, Florida with a congregation of 50 or less, has decided to burn Qurans on Sep. 11 some democrats, two Generals and even the Vatican have come out publicly to denounce his actions. Attorney General Eric Holder, David Axelrod presidential advisor,Hillary Clinton Secretary of State, General David Petraeus, and General Ray Odiemo have all come out against the act calling it dangerous, disrespectful and expressing fears that the action may incite violence against our military and American citizens.
Despite the statements made, Americans have yet to hear from Republicans in Washington or anywhere regarding this matter. Their silence is deafening, despite the opinions expressed by General Petraues and others. Where are the Republicans and why haven't they made a statement? America is waiting for at least one of you to dissuade this Pastor from doing this? Why are you allowing such a grave issue to become a political football? What happened to Country First Sen. McCain, Sara Palin, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Glenn Beck,Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bauchmann and others? Where is your proud, patriotic concern for our Military and our Country? Your silence is an indication that you personally and politically condone what Reverend Jones has planned and as Americans, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Sarah Palin posted the following statement on her Facebook page Wed 9/8/2010 about 5pm ET. "I would hope that Pastor Terry Jones and his supporters will consider the ramifications of their planned book-burning event. It will feed the fire of caustic rhetoric and appear as nothing more than mean-spirited religious intolerance. Don’t feed that fire. If your ultimate point is to prove that the Christian teachings of mercy, justice, freedom, and equality provide the foundation on which our country stands, then your tactic to prove this point is totally counter-productive." Statement from Glenn Beck from his blog. What is wrong with us? It’s just like the Ground Zero mosque plan. Does this church have the right? Yes. Should they? No. And not because of the potential backlash or violence. Simply because it is wrong. The more I reflect on what happened on 8/28 the more I realize the amazing power of GOOD. ... Burning the Koran is like burning the flag or the Bible. You can do it, but whose heart will you change by doing it? You will only harden the hearts of those who could be moved."
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Look There's A Face In The Deepwater Horizon Fire!
If you look closely at this picture you will notice the face of a man in this picture of the Deepwater Horizon Fire.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Metro School Board Outsources Janitorial Jobs
At the end of May this year, the Metro Nashville Public Schools Board approved plans to outsource approximately 700 custodial and janitorial jobs. I know first hand how hard Metro custodians and janitors work and how concerned and involved they are in students everyday life. My best friend Veronica is a custodial supervisor for Metro and she has worked for Metro for about 11 yrs. At one point we rode to work together everyday for almost a year. I would drive from my home to her home and she would drive us to work, dropping me off first at my job as an Accounting Clerk then driving herself to work as a custodial supervisor at a local elementary school. Every day for almost a year I rode with her and she never missed a day.
Of course she would talk to me about her work before we started riding together, when we would talk over the weekend. I knew what her job entailed, what her duties were and how she dealt with a whole school full of elementary students daily. I learned even more when we rode to work together for that year. I listened to her stories good or bad, about the people she worked with, the students she loved, what part of her job she liked and her daily interaction with the educators at her job. I knew she loved her job and she had the patience of Job when it came to the children. She took pride in the work she did and took her duties and responsibilities very seriously. She was dedicated to ensuring that the children of Metro had a clean and safe environment to learn in. I loved hearing her stories and giving her advice sometimes when she needed it. She looked forward to working for Metro until she retired, and I was happy that she had a job that she enjoyed. She never complained that she had to work all year while the staff and children were out for the summer. It was part of her job and responsibility, and she enjoyed the look of satisfaction and pleasure she saw in the faces of the staff when they returned to work.
I was shocked when she gave me the call and told me her job would be ending. I couldn’t believe it. She told me to watch the news that evening for all the details, that I would see her on TV at a meeting regarding her job. As I watched the news that evening I discovered that her job and the others would be outsourced to an Ohio based company called GCA Services Group. Many non- supporters of the outsourcing plan have concerns about background checks, the safety of students, and wage and benefit cuts of Metro employees. GCA plans to offer the janitors employment, with a cut in benefits and wages, and many are now pondering their futures.
I decided to do a little investigating regarding this plan, GCA and who exactly was behind this whole outsourcing deal. My next post will reveal more about this and GCA.
Of course she would talk to me about her work before we started riding together, when we would talk over the weekend. I knew what her job entailed, what her duties were and how she dealt with a whole school full of elementary students daily. I learned even more when we rode to work together for that year. I listened to her stories good or bad, about the people she worked with, the students she loved, what part of her job she liked and her daily interaction with the educators at her job. I knew she loved her job and she had the patience of Job when it came to the children. She took pride in the work she did and took her duties and responsibilities very seriously. She was dedicated to ensuring that the children of Metro had a clean and safe environment to learn in. I loved hearing her stories and giving her advice sometimes when she needed it. She looked forward to working for Metro until she retired, and I was happy that she had a job that she enjoyed. She never complained that she had to work all year while the staff and children were out for the summer. It was part of her job and responsibility, and she enjoyed the look of satisfaction and pleasure she saw in the faces of the staff when they returned to work.
I was shocked when she gave me the call and told me her job would be ending. I couldn’t believe it. She told me to watch the news that evening for all the details, that I would see her on TV at a meeting regarding her job. As I watched the news that evening I discovered that her job and the others would be outsourced to an Ohio based company called GCA Services Group. Many non- supporters of the outsourcing plan have concerns about background checks, the safety of students, and wage and benefit cuts of Metro employees. GCA plans to offer the janitors employment, with a cut in benefits and wages, and many are now pondering their futures.
I decided to do a little investigating regarding this plan, GCA and who exactly was behind this whole outsourcing deal. My next post will reveal more about this and GCA.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Whose Side Are Republicans On Anyway?
I couldn't believe my ears the other day when Republican Texas Rep. Joe Barton apologized to BP. He said " I'm speaking totally for myself, I'm not speaking for the Republican party, but I'm ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday," Barton said "He deemed it a tragedy of the first proportion, that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown, a $20 billion shakedown."
Under pressure no doubt from his cronies and constituents, Rep. Barton tried to put the toothpaste back into the tube with an apology. "I apologize for using the term shakedown with regard to yesterday's actions at the White House in my opening statements this morning, and I retract my apology to BP, " said Barton. Well I thought to myself, poor BP, it's a good thing they have Rep. Barton to defend them against the Big Bad White House.
Republican Rep. Tom Price of Georgia said "BP's reported willingness to go along with the White House's new fund suggests that the Obama Administration is hard at work exerting it's brand of Chicago-style shakedown politics," Shakedown politics Rep. Price? The same type of politics BP used to corrupt the MMS, Rep. Price? The same politics that allowed BP to lobby against any type of energy bill Rep. Price?
Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota put her two cents in and called the $20 billion escrow fund a "redistribution-of-wealth fund."
Since President Obama managed to secure an escrow account that willl pay out $20 billion in funds from BP to fishermen and businesses hurt financially from the oil spill, Republicans are crawling out of the woodwork defending BP. Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh called the fund a "slush fund." The BP Gulf Oil Spill no doubt is one of the worst environmental disasters in US history. Americans want politicians to put their politics aside, defend Americans and America. What would you call a politician that defends a corporation over Americans and America? Un-American? Whose side are Republicans on anyway?
Under pressure no doubt from his cronies and constituents, Rep. Barton tried to put the toothpaste back into the tube with an apology. "I apologize for using the term shakedown with regard to yesterday's actions at the White House in my opening statements this morning, and I retract my apology to BP, " said Barton. Well I thought to myself, poor BP, it's a good thing they have Rep. Barton to defend them against the Big Bad White House.
Republican Rep. Tom Price of Georgia said "BP's reported willingness to go along with the White House's new fund suggests that the Obama Administration is hard at work exerting it's brand of Chicago-style shakedown politics," Shakedown politics Rep. Price? The same type of politics BP used to corrupt the MMS, Rep. Price? The same politics that allowed BP to lobby against any type of energy bill Rep. Price?
Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota put her two cents in and called the $20 billion escrow fund a "redistribution-of-wealth fund."
Since President Obama managed to secure an escrow account that willl pay out $20 billion in funds from BP to fishermen and businesses hurt financially from the oil spill, Republicans are crawling out of the woodwork defending BP. Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh called the fund a "slush fund." The BP Gulf Oil Spill no doubt is one of the worst environmental disasters in US history. Americans want politicians to put their politics aside, defend Americans and America. What would you call a politician that defends a corporation over Americans and America? Un-American? Whose side are Republicans on anyway?
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